I will present recent results on the exciton-polaron spectroscopy for the investigation of strongly correlated electronic states in homobilayers heterostructures. I will also discuss insights from the theory on the origin of incompressible electronic states in these systems.
The slides of this meeting can be downloaded here (in pdf).
[1] Y. Shimazaki et al PRX 11, 021027 (2021)
[2] Y. Shimazaki et al Nature 580, 472 (2020)
[3] Y. Zhang et al PRB 103, 155142 (2021)
Location: Room 102, Science I
Time: Friday 25 March 2022, 12:00 for pizza, 12:30 start discussion
PleaseĀ register at the doodle before Thursday 24 March 19:00 to make sure we order enough pizza!