by Louk Rademaker | Feb 20, 2024 | Past meetings
In sufficiently high magnetic fields, continuous electron bands are transformed into quantized Landau levels (LLs). Although the huge density and degeneracy of states inside the LLs seems at first glance to favor the interactions effects, the famous Kohn theorem [1]...
by Louk Rademaker | Sep 18, 2023 | Past meetings
The Hat tiling, discovered in March this year, is the culmination of decades of mathematical research in aperiodic tilings. Unlike other quasicrystals, such as the Penrose tiling, it requires only a single type of tile to be assembled, the hat tile. In this talk I...
by Louk Rademaker | Sep 18, 2023 | Past meetings
Flat bands in twisted graphene systems offers plethora of strongly correlated states, among these, correlated insulator, superconductor and chern insulator are to name of few. Twisted trilayer graphene has shown robust superconductivity which drastically deviates from...
by Louk Rademaker | Sep 18, 2023 | Past meetings
Dense amorphous materials which exhibits a solid-like behaviour, or ‘structural glasses’, are ubiquitous around us. They span a very wide range of experimental systems in soft matter, condensed matter, or biophysics, such as emulsions, foams, biological tissues,...
by Louk Rademaker | Sep 18, 2023 | Past meetings
I will talk about types and properties of excitons in two-dimensional (2D) van der Waals magnetic insulators and semiconductors, such as CrI3, CrSBr, NiPS3, etc. In these materials excitons couple with the spin-polarized band structure, resulting in various correlated...