UTe2 is a recently discovered heavy fermion superconductor. In this Flat Club, I will highlight some of the remarkable properties of this material, with a focus on scanning tunneling microscopy experiments. Differential conductance measurements at step edges have shown in gap states with different properties depending on the orientation of the step edge. In particular, particle-hole asymmetric spectra have opposite “chirality” at step edges characterized by opposite normal vectors. These experiments have led to the proposal of “chiral superconductivity” in UTe2, an idea that is not supported by the group of symmetries associated with the underlying crystalline structure. Recent experiments have also highlighted the existence of charge density waves at the surface of UTe2 with an unusual dependence on the external magnetic field. I hope to expose the experimental results in an unbiased manner and trigger discussions on the possible mechanisms behind this phenomenology.
You can download the presentation slides (PDF) to be well prepared for the discussion!
Please register at the doodle if you want to join for pizza.
Location: Stuckelberg, Ecole de Physique
Time: Friday 24 March 2023, 12:00 for pizza, 12:30 start discussion