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Flat Club

Interactive meetings on the broad topic of two-dimensional materials, interfaces and techniques.

Fridays 12:30, Stueckelberg, Ecole de Physique, Geneva.
Pizza at 12:00.

Download here the new Spring 2024 program (pdf)


Friday 3 May 2023
Patrycja Paruch

Abstract TBD. Location: Stuckelberg, Ecole de PhysiqueTime: Friday 3 May 2024, 12:10 for pizza, 12:30 start discussion

What is Flat Club?

The Flat Club is an interactive biweekly meeting on the broad topic of two-dimensional materials, interfaces and techniques. Most of the participants are working at the Department of Quantum Matter Physics or Theoretical Physics from the University of Geneva.

The aim of Flat Club is to stimulate discussion amongst the participants, to clearly formulate the relevant and inspiring questions of the field of 2d quantum matter, and to put new results in perspective. 

The range of topics include materials like twisted graphene and TMD structures, 2d magnetic materials and topological insulators, and LAO/STO interfaces. We discuss excitonic and electronic effects, including superconductivity. Techniques like STM, ARPES, SNOM, and transport are discussed.

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